
Proper pH Balance Is Critical to Health

pH Balanced Diet

pH Balanced Diet: The Golden Ratio Of 1: 4

Experts have pointed out that the best way to improve the body’s pH balance is to incorporate strongly alkaline foods in the diet. In his book The Optimum Nutrition Bible, British nutritionist and the founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition Patrick Holford suggests that an everyday diet should be made up of 80% alkaline food and 20% acidic food. However, it is not easy to adjust the proportion of acidic and alkaline food to 1:4 the way we eat every day. Therefore, we need to supplement certain strongly alkaline functional food to help condition our body. As for what is acidic and what is alkaline, experts point out that it can never be determined by the taste of the food. Instead, the acidity / alkalinity of food depends on the metabolic waste they leave after digestion. In our everyday diet, most meats are acidic, and most fruits and vegetables are alkaline. Therefore, a diet with more vegetables than meat is the rule of thumb for a healthy diet. The following table provides more information about acidic and alkaline food.

An Overview Of Acidity / Alkalinity Of Food

Strongly Acidic Food: egg yolk, yoghurt, dessert, white sugar, tuna, flatfish

Strongly Alkaline Food: royal jelly, honey, grapes, tea leaves, mushrooms, wine, kelp, citrus fruits, persimmons, cucumbers, carrots, radishes

Moderately Alkaline Food: soya, tomatoes, bananas, strawberries, egg white, prunes, lemons, spinaches, burdock, etc

Mildly Alkaline Food: red beans, apples, kale, tofu, cabbage, field mustards, pears, potatoes