
Alkaume 7.35

Q & A

Why is it called AlkaUme 7.35?

This is a product that helps smoothen the intestines and remove faecal accumulation. The name AlkaUme comes from the word “umebosh” (salted Japanese plum), which has long been praised as the king of alkaline fruit. It is rich in alkaline minerals, which can enhance the alkalinity of the body and maintain its pH level at the healthy number of 7.35, restoring the body’s mild alkalinity.

Why do I need AlkaUme 7.35?

The unhealthy diet and habits of city dwellers have made their bodies slightly acidic. A mildly acidic body means declined detox functioning and weakened intestinal digestion – both make defecation difficult. Therefore, we need to maintain the body’s alkalinity at the pH level of 7.35 to keep the healthy functioning of the intestines and strengthen the regularity of bowel motion.

What is the powder on the surface of AlkaUme 7.35?

AlkaUme is made of a number of natural ingredients. The brown powder on the surface is powdered herbs, including Angelica Keiskei, pu’er tea, green tea, liquorice.

Who can take AlkaUme 7.35?

AlkaUme 7.35 is suitable for everyone. It is recommended for those who have difficult bowel motion, meat lovers and people who have overeaten – it helps to restore the healthy functioning of the stomach and intestines. AlkaUme is also recommended as a daily health regimen. Eating one umeboshi per day can help keep toxins and faecal accumulation away from the intestines.

How does Alkaume 7.35 cleanse off faecal accumulation?

AlkaUme is made of umeboshi (salted Japanese plum) that can promote intestinal health. Umeboshi contains a rich amount of citrus acid, which can effectively decompose excessive acidic substances in the body, maintaining a pH level of 7.35 to promote digestion and healthy functioning of the intestine system. The peel of the umeboshi is rich in picric acid, catechin and pectic acid; it offers a natural remedy to stimulate peristalsis. Working with Angelica Keiskei, pu’er tea, green tea, liquorice and 3 types of probiotics, the product helps stimulate peristalsis and cleanse faecal accumulation and toxins off the body.

What is the best time to take AlkaUme 7.35?

If needed, it can be taken any time. The recommended best time to eat it is after lunch or dinner. One AlkaUme should be eaten each time. Drink lots of water to enhance the detox effect. No more than two AlkaUme 7.35 should be eaten per day. Do not replace a meal with umeboshi.

What bowel improvement can I see after eating AlkaUme 7.35?

The alkalinity of the body will be lifted after eating AlkaUme 7.35, restoring the body’s pH balance to the level of 7.35, which can effectively promote water absorption in the intestines, moisten and soften the bowel. After the intestines are moistened by water, hardened faecal accumulation would be softened and peristalsis would be stimulated at the same time. A bowel movement would take place after 4 to 6 hours. When intestinal regularity is restored and toxins are cleansed, faecal accumulation can no longer be formed.

What is the difference between AlkaUme 7.35 and other so-called natural detox products on the market?

AlkaUme 7.35 works by balancing the pH level of the body to ease bowel function – a feature that is rarely seen in other products in the same category. On the other hand, AlkaUme 7.35 is a whole umeboshi enriched with the novel Umetacid – a formula of stomach herbs and probiotics; it is a natural organic remedy with a sweet taste. It helps to improve the alkalinity of the body, restoring smooth bowel motion and reconstructing a healthy body.

How is the product made?

The product is made in Taiwan under stringent hygiene conditions. Each umeboshi is machine-dried over a long period. Umetacid is added in the process. Every AlkaUme 7.35 is created hygienically.